With the new Thor movie hitting the cinema’s, it’s no secret that Chris Hemsworth has done an absolutely fantastic job to take his physique to the next level. I would even say that a ton of people I’ve talked to are more impressed by the physique Chris presented us on the big screen instead of by the movie itself. While Hemsworth has always been in amazing shape since his first portrayal of Thor, he really outdid himself this time.
The big question that arises is: “How in God’s name did he do that?!”. In order to take it to another level, Chris was under guidance of a personal trainer and probably had his meals prepared for him. This way, he could just focus on performing the workouts his personal trainer writes out for him and eat what he’s being served. Don’t forget, in Hemsworth’s eyes, his main job is acting. Not being a bodybuilder. Chris probably was putting most of his attention to learning the script and doing the best acting job he can to bring another fantastic portrayal of the Thunder God himself, Thor.
Since we don’t have the luxury of having our own personal trainers and personal chefs to guide us through the process of transforming our bodies into that of a superhuman being, I have put together a workout routine and dietary guidelines that will produce similar results for the average guy.
When we take a look at Hemsworth’s physique, the first thing that clearly stands out are his massive boulder shoulders and meaty arms. Those areas are the eyecatchers of his physique and will therefore receive the necessary attention to make them stand out. This will be done by implementing direct shoulder and arm work for higher reps, which will cause the muscles to store more glycogen in those specific areas and therefore will create an effect that makes them appear bigger and more pumped.
The next thing we notice is an angular, armor plated chest that is resting between his shoulders. His chest is amazingly developed, but not to the point where it’s out of proportion and looks cheap.
Hemsworth’s muscular torso is accompanied by a taut waist and a low body fat percentage. These factors combined create the V shape and are the main elements that make a man’s body look powerful and cause it to appear extremely attractive to the opposite sex.
For the lower body we want to develop a pair of strong, athletic legs. We don’t want to have the upper body of a Norse God to be ruined by a pair of chicken legs underneath it. In the scene where Zeus, played by Russel Crowe, uhm.. flicks off Thor’s disguise, we can see that his legs are well developed, but not overly bulky or sluggish. We don’t want to create freakishly big Mr. Universe quads, but instead want to sculpt strong, athletic legs that look like they can squat a heavy weight, but also sprint fast and jump high.
Obviously, everybody has different genetics and Chris Hemsworth’s muscle insertions will differ from yours. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get as amazing results just like Chris did. It just means that you want to develop the most important areas that make Thor’s physique look amazing in your own body and you will have your unique, amazing, Norse God physique.
The Thunder God’s workout will involve 4 days of hitting the gym. Each muscle group will be hit about twice per week with some overlap of the shoulders and triceps. The workout is put together with a focus on important compound exercises that will stimulate a lot of growth in key areas such as the shoulders, chest, lats, upper back and quads. Smaller assistance exercises are thrown into the mix as well to bring up areas such as the arms and calves to give you a more complete and solid look. The lateral raises, upper back rows and direct arm work will highlight some of the areas that are the key factors to Thor’s proportions.
If you follow this routine correctly and consistently, this workout will transform you into having the physique similar to that of the Norse God Thor himself.
Monday and Thursday: Chest, back and arms focused workout | |
Bench press | 1×4-6 + 3×6-10 |
Chin up (weighted) | 1×4-6 + 3×6-10 |
Incline dumbbell press | 4×8-12 |
Chest supported upper back row | 4×8-12 |
Triceps cable extension | 4×8-12 |
Dumbbell bicep curl | 4×8-12 |
Tuesday and Friday: Shoulders and legs focused workout | |
Seated dumbbell shoulder press | 1x 4-6 + 3×6-10 |
Front squat | 1×4-6 + 3×6-10 |
Romanian deadlift | 1×6-8 + 3×8-12 |
Leg extension | 4×8-15 |
Lateral raises | 5×8-15 |
Calf raises | 5×8-12 |
You can see that on your first two important compound exercises you will perform a lower rep set before performing the rest of the volume in a more moderate rep range. This is to stimulate strength gains and creates central nervous system efficiency.
Since you’ll be better at handling heavy weights, you’ll be able to recruit and contract your muscle fibers more efficiently. As a result of this, the skill of strength will be transferred to a more moderate to higher rep range as well. This will lead to you being able to use heavier weights in the optimal hypertrophy rep range and therefore stimulate more muscle growth. Besides looking good, it’s also important to perform good. It’s always great to have a physique that not only looks amazing, lives up to its image. You never know when you’ll have to swing a massive hammer, no pun intended.
The bench press will be responsible for the main development of your overall chest and is supplemented by incline presses, which will fill in the top of your pectoral area. This will give you a square, masculine chest that runs smoothly from top to bottom. The bench press will also give the front delts and triceps a good hit to grow.
The chin up will blow up your lats and will be the main movement for our overall back development. This movement is the best upper body posterior chain builder, but to fully develop the upper back and give you a more dominant, warrior look like Thor has, upper back rows will supplement the chin up to complete the package. Next to complete back development, hitting the chin ups hard and getting stronger on them means getting a significantly bigger biceps as well, since the biceps are heavily involved when performing this movement.
For the lower body, front squats and Romanian deadlifts will be your best friends if you want to create the legs of a warrior. Front squats will smash the quads. Combine that with Romanian deadlifts, which hit the posterior chain of your legs heavily and you will have a pair of strong, athletic, well-developed legs to match your upper body.
Smaller accessory exercises such as triceps extensions, bicep curls, lateral raises, leg extensions and calf raises are incorporated and should be performed to give these areas a little more volume to match the bigger muscles of your body. Giving these body parts more training volume is necessary to create those perfect proportions that makes up Thor’s physique. It’s all about proportions and creates visual harmony.
Heavy compound exercises such as front squats, Romanian deadlifts and weighted chin ups all target the core. Your abs will pop out and develop fantastic when you get stronger on these movements, that’s the reason there’s no direct ab work involved. If you do find your abs to be a problem area and you do want to throw in some direct ab work to the routine, then perform 3-4 sets of hanging leg raises or cable crunches at the end of shoulder and legs focused workout. Perform sets of between 6 and 15 reps and add weight to your hanging leg raises if necessary.

Proper technique: Always make sure to lift with proper technique. There’s no point in using weights that are too heavy for you and cause you to lift with bad technique and half reps. Muscles grow optimally when they are being moved through a full range of motion with a suitable level of resistance. It’s a long term game, so save your joints and do yourself a favor so you are able to lift weights for the rest of your life and maintain an amazing physique for the rest of your life.
Reps in reserve: Muscle growth requires you to lift close to failure, but not necessarily to failure. Your muscles will get an optimal growth stimulus where you stop an exercise about 2 reps before hitting failure. Therefore I recommend that you leave 1-2 reps in reserve when performing your sets. Because you leave some gas in the tank each time, you will be able to keep the quality of each set high and each set will be optimal for stimulating the muscle growth you’re looking after. Another great benefit is that you will feel a healthy amount of fatigue from your workout, but you’re not feeling like you’ve just gone to war and feel absolutely trashed. This allows you to always feel fresh, recover well from your workouts and will keep you motivated to go to the gym.
Respect your rest times: To optimize your performance it’s very important to respect rest times between each set. Many people don’t rest long enough and therefore lift with diminished strength output, which will result in suboptimal performance and muscle gains. For your big compound exercises such as bench presses, front squats, overhead presses and chin ups, you will rest up to 3 minutes between each set. This will ensure proper recovery between every set so you can lift with maximal intensity. Smaller accessory exercises such as the bicep curl and leg extension require less recovery time between sets because they are not as taxing on the body. These will only ask about 2 minutes of rest between each set.
Progressive overload: In order to grow, you must apply progressive overload. This means executing the exercises with more weight on the bar. Each time you hit the top of the rep range with a certain weight, add resistance to the bar and repeat the process. For more in depth guidance on progressive overload and progression schemes, click here.
Supersets: In order to save time, I love performing supersets on my secondary accessory exercises. A superset is a set where after you perform an exercise, you immediately perform another exercise. A great way to organize supersets is to combine antagonist muscle groups because they don’t interfere with each other’s performance.
For example, in this workout routine a fantastic combination of supersets would be:
- Incline dumbbell bench press combined + Chest supported upper back rows
- Triceps cable extensions + Dumbbell bicep curls
- Romanian deadlifts + Leg extensions
- Lateral raises + Calf raises
Your main compound exercises, which are put first and second in this workout routine are heavy and more taxing on the body. They require more rest in order for you to be recharged for your next set. Higher rep accessory exercises on the other hand will do great with supersets. You stimulate your muscles for optimal growth without your training performance getting a hit and you save time. In short, you’re able to complete your workout quicker and get out of the gym faster. Optimal growth in less time? Sounds good to me!
To transform your physique, training and nutrition go hand in hand. Thor was very much aware of this principle as he let himself go a little bit during non-godly times in his life.

However, if you wish to pack on a good
amount of muscle mass on your frame, you will need to fuel your body with
additional calories. To remain relatively lean and athletic during the process,
I advise you to stick to a daily calorie surplus of about 200-300 calories on
top of your maintenance level. On a weekly basis, this will add up to a surplus
of about 1400-2100, which will lead to increased muscle gains and minimal fat
gain. Staying lean is important since is healthier, looks better and will make
it easier to cut afterwards. If you feel that you gain fat easily, stick to the
lower end of the surplus. If you can get away with eating a little more, stick
to the higher end of the surplus.
What concerns your macronutrient breakdown,
don’t stress out about it too much. Simply eat 0.8 of protein per pound of body
weight from high quality sources such as meat, frish, eggs and dairy products
to ensure muscle repair and growth. There’s no need to go overboard with your
protein intake because getting in more protein than 0.8g per pound of
bodyweight isn’t going to have any benefits to your physique.
To fuel your performance and fill up your
glycogen stores, get in about 50-60% of your calorie from quality carb sources
such as potatoes, yams, quinoa and fruits. To maintain high testosterone levels
and give flavor to your food, consume about 20-30% of your daily calories from
fat sources such as olive oil, butter, coconut oil and avocado. Again, you don’t
need to be neurotic about hitting these numbers precisely. Just make sure your
protein requirements are on point and simply eat a good mix of carbs and fats
that fall within your calorie requirements for the day.
At one point you will stop gaining weight
and because your body has adapted to the additional calorie intake and has accustomed
to a new energy maintenance level. If this is the case and you haven’t gained
any weight (muscle weight that is!), add another 200 calories to your diet.
Once you reach a point where you’re happy
with your muscular size, but you feel like your body fat is creeping up a
little too high and your body starts to become soft and cushiony, go on a
cutting phase where you shred the fat off of your Norse God body with a
moderate calorie deficit of about 20%, while keeping protein high at 0.8g per
pound of bodyweight.
Getting leaner while having a good amount
of muscle size on your frame is the true key to being aesthetic. To achieve
Chris Hemsworth’s Thor look I would say that you should aim to get around 10%
body fat. At this level your muscles will be clearly defined, your face will
look sharp and your vascularity will come out nicely, giving you that superhero
Armed with this knowledge, take
action and sculpt your Norse Thunder God Physique!
Kevin Mahjoubi