apex framework
our mission
Hi, I’m Kevin Mahjoubi, founder of Apex Framework. Since my teenage years I’ve been educating myself on fitness, health and self improvement in search of the holy grail of getting in amazing shape, being healthy and becoming a strong, confident person.
Through trial and error, I’ve successfully uncovered the truth about what it takes to transorm your physique from either fat, skinny or skinny fat, to having a strong, lean, aesthetic body similar to that of an ancient Greek sculpture. I’ve made it my mission to share my knowledge with as many people as possible so that they in turn, will reach their fitness goals and live happier lives.
The beauty of my method is that you don’t have to live in the gym, nor do you have to be obsessed with nutrition and dedicate yourself to the slavery of a typical bodybuilding lifestyle.
My philosophy about being in amazing shape and staying healthy is that anything fitness and health related should be a part of your life, yet not dominate your life. If you’re a slave of your gym routine or diet plan, you’re doing it wrong. Instead of feeling like a prisoner, I want you to feel confident and free, able to enjoy your life to the fullest while being in phenomenal shape.
Stick with me and I’ll teach you the core principles on how to get and stay in amazing shape efficiently and being healthy effortlessly, while being able to live your life to its maximum potential.
Kevin Mahjoubi